Become a Certified Nursery Professional
The Certified Nursery Professional programme is currently under review. Until this process is complete, we will not be accepting any new applications for certification. Please check back for further updates.
The program showcases the expertise and dedication of the CNPs to a public and industry audience and provides the public with the assurance that CNPs have the knowledge and skills to provide superior services, and in this way raises the image and the profile of CNPs, the business for which they work and the greenlife industry in Australia.
Most businesses consider skilled and knowledgeable staff to be their most valuable asset. By encouraging staff to participate in the CNP program, businesses demonstrate their commitment to staff development and reap the benefits of staff that are more knowledgeable, enthusiastic and loyal with an enriched personal working experience.
The program supports consumer awareness providing evidence that individuals are highly educated, experienced professionals with extensive knowledge and expertise working within the greenlife industry. It ensures up-to-date skills and knowledge and recognises the expertise gained from years of hard work within the industry, professional skills and qualifications.
- Bruce Beesley (P), Go Grow
- Emma De Landre (S), Greenlife Industry Australia
- Brent Tallis (S), Overland Nurseries
- Matthew Carroll (S), Hortigroup Pty Ltd
- Brian Merrick (S), Brian Merrick Retail Mentor & Consultant
- Stephen Rixon (S), TAFE NSW
- Craig Brien (S), TAFE NSW
- Erica Bartsch (P), Barossa Nursery
- Volker Mischker (P), TASWA Training Consultants
- Josh Kyne (P), Biomax Green Australia Pty Ltd
- David Stewart (S), Advance
- Sarah Burgess (P), Ausflora Pacific Pty Ltd
- Kimberley Thomas (S), Greenlife Industry Australia
- Robert Blackburn (P), WA Cactus & Succulent Supplier
- Colin Groom (S), Domus Nursery
- Ross Hooper (P), Zanthorrea Nursery
- Mark Tucek (S), Tucker Bush
- Lex McMullin (S),
- Tony Randall (S), Arbor Access Australia
- Megan Hurst (S), TABMA Training
- James Feez (P), The Smart Gardener Pty Ltd
- John McDonald (S), Greenlife Industry Australia