Update: Polypropylene Plant Packaging (PoPPr) Program
Stage 2 Scheme Design of the Polypropylene Plant Packaging (PoPPr) Program has commenced. Find out how you can provide feedback on this stage at our workshop on Wednesday 1 September.
Greenlife Industry Australia (GIA) in partnership the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO), received grant funding from the Australian Government under the National Product Stewardship Investment Fund (NPSIF) to design and implement a national recycling program for Polypropylene Plant Packaging (PoPPr) Program.
Stage 1 Business Case Development of the program has been completed and has established a strong business case for Governments, GIA, APCO, the nursery and greenlife industry and associated stakeholder groups to progress with the program. Stage 2 Scheme Design and Stage 3 Scheme Implementation are now being progressed to design the scheme for the collection and recycling of all Polypropylene plant packaging – pots, stakes, labels tags and trays – placed on the Australian market, suitable to a diverse range of end-of-use locations.
Sustainable Packaging in Horticulture Working Group – Next Meeting
There has been good progress with the development of the Polypropylene Plant Packaging Recycling (PoPPr) Program since the last session, with a number of scheme design elements to discuss. So, if you are interested on an update, we encourage you to join us and provide your feedback.
To join the session, please register with Eventbrite. Connection details will be provided upon registration, including a calendar entry for your diaries. You can also access previous session slide decks and summary reports via links on the registration page.
The PoPPr Program is by the industry - for the industry, so if you have interest in contributing to the environmental and recycling credentials of the industry, please get involved.