General Biosecurity Duty – State & Territory obligations
By Kobie Keenan & John McDonald
General biosecurity duties or obligations (GBD) place an emphasis on the importance of shared responsibilities and the need for Government, industry and the community to work together, in partnership, to maintain a strong state and national biosecurity system.
GBD’s are legislated obligations that require people to understand and manage, or minimise, to the best of their ability, the biosecurity risks that apply to their industries, businesses, workplaces and our natural environment.
GBD’s highlight that everyone has a role to play in protecting primary industries and our unique environment from biosecurity risks.
The knowledge and understanding of biosecurity risks, and a preparedness to manage and respond to those risks, is already an integral and important part of activities within the greenlife industry in Australia.
From 31 March 2021 the legislated General Biosecurity Duty comes into effect in Tasmania. Biosecurity Tasmania has developed a range of online resources, including stakeholder profiles and hypothetical examples, to assist everyone in gaining a greater understanding of the GBD, to raise awareness of the importance of protecting Tasmania from pests, weeds and diseases.
While not every State and Territory has enacted general biosecurity obligations, many have implemented strategies for shared biosecurity responsibility. For more information following the links below.
South Australia HAVE YOUR SAY: Biosecurity legislation in SA is under review.
Tasmania Launched 31 March 2021.
Victoria HAVE YOUR SAY: Agriculture Victoria is consulting on strengthening their biosecurity program.