Spring Blueming: Supporting mental health in the horticultural workforce
By Roger Boyle, ICL Specialty Fertilizers
Spring Blueming is an ICL initiative designed to raise awareness of the health and wellbeing of the horticultural workforce. We ask businesses to acknowledge and celebrate your staff by holding a Spring Blueming event in the week starting Monday 14 November 2022.
Although Spring Blueming was originally proposed in 2020 to highlight the impact on resources and staff as a result of the pandemic, its relevance today is still as important as ever. Our industry was obviously heavily affected by lock downs in most areas, but probably the biggest stress has been the increased demand for our products and services, and how our staff have coped with this demand. Generally, businesses have seen an increase in turnover over the last three years with significant stresses on staff work hours and availability.
Have you taken the time to regularly thank your staff for their dedication? I am sure you have, but why not formalise your appreciation by holding an inclusive event for all your staff. It could be as simple as a morning tea, BBQ lunch, or a post work debrief. Many businesses have taken up the opportunity over the last couple of years and have opened up the communication between all staff, leading to a more open environment conducive to healthier work practices.
Both Joanna Cave, Greenlife Industry Australia (GIA) CEO and Jack Hobbs, Manager of Auckland Botanic Gardens in New Zealand have been appointed this year’s National Ambassadors and have produced positive video messages that we encourage you to share with your staff. Although the main goal of Spring Blueming is to foster a healthy work environment, we also encourage you to raise money for either Beyond Blue (Australia) or Mental Health (New Zealand) through methods such as gold coin donations, plant sales to staff, fancy dress competitions, and so on. We will have a dedicated webpage with links to these charities set up to ensure easy donations.
ICL staff in Australia and New Zealand are available to both assist on the day of your function, and in the lead up to your event. We ask that you nominate a coordinator for the day, and we will provide them with all the tools and aids to ensure a great event. The success of Spring Blueming for your business is up to you. We have multiple businesses signing up again this year after great events last year.
Should you require further information, please visit our website or speak with your local ICL Regional Manager. We hope you see Spring Blueming as a beneficial event to your business and look forward to your participation.
"It is important to press 'pause' on life and check in with yourself and your team. Mental health is a creeper, you do not recognise the change, so it is important that others do. Spring Blueming is a great time to take a moment with your team and reinforce the value in looking out for each other. Life is like a team sport, when your mate gets injured, you help pick them up." Mike Cato, Manager, Icon Trees, New Zealand.
“Spring Blueming lets us stop just for a moment and enjoy what we do and what we achieve in the nursery: to understand our hard work benefits the community by providing passive enjoyment and mental health improvement though working with plants. It has also helped our employees ‘normalize’ mental health and allowed people to open up in a group situation or with each other. It has made the group here at Poplar a lot closer and the feeling of a genuine family.” Jason Scroop, Poplar Grove Wholesale Nursery, South Australia.
"Creating a positive mental health environment in our workplace is more important than ever. We love being a part of the Spring Blueming event as it is a great way to say thank you to our team, and also to raise funds to support Beyond Blue and their work helping to deal with anxiety and depression in the community." Ross Hooper, Zanthorrea Nursery, Western Australia.