Second Relief Package Announced and Update On Impact for the Nursery Industry
Dear Members and Stakeholders
Over the weekend several additional economic measures were announced following the impact of COVID-19. Further, we continue to liaise with various Government departments, key stakeholders and Members on their firsthand experiences.
While we are also maintaining a focus on our 'business as usual' activities including ongoing advocacy, water, bushfire response, and biosecurity, I will continue to provide regular updates as the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation continues to evolve on Tuesdays and Fridays or as required.
Today, a teleconference of GIA and State NGI Executives discussed the areas of the highest importance to ensure: the health and safety of you and your staff; your business can continue to operate; your supply chains are open; and to support continued demand for greenlife where we can. The coordinated approach is vital as some issues are handled Nationally, such as Australia’s borders and biosecurity and some issues are handled on a State basis, such as State borders and transport.
The areas we will focus our attention include the following:
Workplace Health and Safety
Please continue to follow the Government guidelines and instructions from a workplace health and safety perspective. In particular from a hygiene and social distancing point of view. Greenlife Industry Australia has prepared a number of resources which you can access HERE.
Member Businesses
At this stage production and retail nurseries and supplier businesses are open for business and able to trade. We are working with Federal and State Government departments to keep businesses open. However, it would be very worthwhile to develop a contingency plan if your business is required to close for a period of time in the future.
Stimulus Package
The Federal Government announced a second fiscal stimulus package to offset the hit to growth from COVID-19 and has been referred to as a “safety net” for the Australian economy, workers and businesses. The updated summary on the available economic relief can be found HERE.
GIA and the State Associations have agreed to have a measured and structured approach to developing and implementing a promotional campaign for the industry. It is proposed to be educational and promotional on the benefits of greenlife from a nutritional, health and well-being point of view. We also need to educate consumers, so the right plants are planted and maintained at the right time of year with the right advice.
We will look to integrate and leverage the nursery industry marketing levy-funded Greener Spaces Better Places and Plant Life Balance campaigns.
We are working with the three key customer groups of retail, landscape and production horticulture to keep the supply channels operating and supporting businesses to remain open.
We have been advised that there are no barriers or disruption to the movement of goods at this stage. We will monitor this carefully to ensure transport routes are still open for intra/interstate movements.
We will keep you informed of our progress on these fronts and other developments.
If you have any specific experiences that require attention through the government process, please email
Peter Vaughan
CEO Greenlife Industry Australia.
As the COVID-19 situation is extremely dynamic and rapidly evolving, Members and key stakeholders are encouraged to share their concerns and any information updates via the industry’s national information hotlineon 1300 905 643. Additional information and resources are also available at immediate updates are required, an Alert will be issued.