Pesticide Minor Use Permits (MUPs)
Recent changes to the Australian Plant Production Standard (APPS) website make it easier for growers to search for information on pesticide minor use permits (MUPs) by pest, permit number, active ingredient or trade name of the product.
The Greenlife Industry Australia (GIA) National Biosecurity and Sustainable Plant Production Program (NY20001) manages the Australian Plant Production Standard (APPS) website, uploading and editing a significant range of industry technical information resources for storage and availability for growers at
The National Biosecurity and Sustainable Plant Production Program successfully secures a number of pesticide minor use permits each year (approximately 5). To make it easier for industry members to access these permits, the APPS website listing for them has been transformed and is now more easily searchable.
Access to the pesticide minor use permit listing is now available via the APPS website under the green “PESTICIDE MINOR USE PERMITS” button at the bottom right of the ‘Landing Page’ as circled in red below.
This new design feature enables growers to search for pesticide minor use permits for a specific pest, e.g., aphids. Simply write ‘aphid’ in the Search bar and all permits registered for aphids will appear listed below.
Searches can also be conducted for specific permits by typing in the permit number, e.g. ‘PER81707’.
Alternatively, you can search for a specific product by typing in the trade name or active ingredient, e.g. ‘Movento’ or ‘SPIROTETRAMAT’.
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