New Pesticide Minor Use Permits March 2022
By John McDonald, National Biosecurity Manager, Greenlife Industry Australia
Greenlife Industry Australia would like to advise growers that renewals to the Minor Use Permit pesticide program are now underway. The first tranche of renewals to these permits covers commonly used fungicides, insecticides and pesticides for nursery stock.
Greenlife Industry Australia (GIA) manages the nursery industry Minor Use Permit (MUP) pesticide program under the Nursery Levy funded project NY20001 National Biosecurity and Sustainable Plant Production Program. GIA, and previously NGIA, has successfully undertaken this work on behalf of industry since negotiating with the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) the ‘minor use status’ of nursery production in 2008. Since that time more than 60 MUPs have been applied for, plus 40 renewed, by GIA and approved through the APVMA.
GIA initiated the restructure of our MUP application process in December 2021, based on our negotiated outcome with the APVMA, and advise industry of the following MUP approvals in this first tranche of renewals:
Nursery Stock: Seedlings, tubes, potted colour, trees, shrubs, foliage plants, palms, grasses, fruit plants (non-bearing) and ornamentals.
All MUPs approved under NY20001 National Biosecurity and Sustainable Plant Production program are available on the Australian Plant Production Standard (APPS) website where you can Search by Pesticide Minor Use Permit.
If you have any pesticides, you believe should be applied for under the MUP pesticide program, please email National Biosecurity Manager, John McDonald at