Multi-Active Minor Use Permit – Renewed for 6 Months
As reported back in November/December 2020 GIA has been working to ensure the industry has access to new pesticide chemistry through the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA’s) minor use permit (MUP) program. Of particular importance to industry is the ongoing issue of multi-active MUPs that were previously approved by the APVMA for some number of years however upon applying for renewal in 2020 they were no longer considered for approval. The APVMA changed their position without industry consultation which has resulted in two multi-active MUPs (PER81707 Insecticides and PER81491 Fungicides) being no longer available. GIA has been endeavouring to find a solution to the issue through discussions with the APVMA with a current proposal put forward by the APVMA, after having rejected the GIA proposal (see GIA enews November 26th), being discussed at present. In the interim the APVMA has renewed PER81707 multi-active Insecticide and replaced the multi-active fungicide permit with PER90148 for a period of 6 months to June 2021 in anticipation of reaching a workable solution to the current issues around multi-active MUPs. PER81707 and PER90148 can be found here: Click here for link