It’s chilly - warm up with this exclusive Partner Program energy offer from EnergyAustralia
Brrr! It’s chilly out there so here’s a timely reminder about our partnership with EnergyAustralia and their exclusive energy offer.
Winter energy-saving tips
Meanwhile, here are some tips that you could find useful to keep your energy bill under control during the colder months.
- Minimising draughts is the most cost effective way to reduce your home energy use.
- Locate any gaps in ceilings, walls and floors, especially around windows and doors.
- Use sealing strips and door snakes to stop air leaks in those areas.
- Ensure your heating devices are cleaned (filters and ducts) and serviced in accordance with manufacturer guidelines, for optimal performance.
- Remember the saying, 20°C is plenty when setting your thermostat (every degree higher uses more energy). Think about rugging up before turning the heater up.
If you’re looking for a great deal for your home or business energy, check out the exclusive Partner Program offer and sign up today.
Don't forget to grab your unique member business benefit code from our Member centre or use the residential code EAPP01
Get the exclusive energy offer