Industry confidence grows as farmgate value increases
The Nursery Industry Statistics Project (NY21000) is a vital tool for production businesses enabling them to benchmark themselves against other growers across the country. This year’s statistics have reported a very positive 2020/21 financial year with sales growth trending upwards, growing 8% from 2019-20.
The Nursery Industry Statistics project tracks volume and production value of the greenlife industry nationally as well as supply chain, employment and sentiment data year on year.
The data collected informs industry decision making, resource prioritisation, investment evaluation, strategic planning activities, enables industry to have more meaningful discussions with government organisations in the future and provides industry with an interactive benchmarking data tool.
2020/21 Positive outcomes
Greenlife farmgate value rose 8% and continued growth in demand for greenlife has ensured the vast majority of growers remain confident in the industry’s future. Grower sentiments have reached an all-time high with ‘very positive’ trending upwards to 48% of all respondents as opposed to 43% in 20/21 and 24% in 16/17.
Helping growers ‘Do business better’
Growers using the benchmarking tool (43% of respondents) indicated the tool has impacted their business decision making positively. Businesses who are using the benchmarking tool are making greater informed decisions about their business and changing the behaviour of the way businesses operate.
The 2020/21 data shows the uptake of the benchmarking tool varies significantly, with greater take up across medium to large businesses than in small businesses. 2020/21 data shows medium to large business have generated a greater amount of turnover without significantly increasing the amount of land used.
Greenlife Industry Australia (GIA) and ACIL Allen want to help those businesses yet to use the benchmarking tool understand how it can help them benchmark where their business currently sits and how they can ‘do business better’.
Workshops are currently being scheduled to help those growers who would like to start using the benchmarking tool.
Dates and times will be advertised in the coming weeks.