Greenlife Market Analysis
Prepared by Rebecca Moriarty, ACIL Allen Consulting
The Greenlife industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, employing thousands of Australians and contributing to healthy people, homes, urban spaces and the natural environment.
This report is an informative resource targeted for a business and policy audience. This report provides an evidence base of key issues facing the industry and what can be done about it. The findings will inform future strategic planning for Hort Innovation and Greenlife Industry Australia.
The report was developed by applying the PESTLE technique to nursery value chains to identify the key drivers and barriers. Each component of the value chain was analysed to identify the key Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legislative and Environment themes through:
- desktop analysis (including identifying current R&D projects underway)
- analysis of the data initiative results across all years
- engaging industry/key informants in developing the report using a modified Delphi approach.
Delphi is a technique that allows people who will use the results and/or have specific insights and expertise to be actively involved in analysis. It involves developing numerous versions of the report with feedback from the users/experts in between each one.
This Market Analysis Report has been developed alongside the current 2019/2020 greenlife data collection. This has allowed the Report to be launched alongside the latest industry profile and benchmarking tool in autumn 2021.
This report has been funded under NY17008 Nursery Industry Statistics and Research which is a project funded by Hort Innovation, using the Nursery research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government.