Greenlife Industry Australia in discussions with APVMA over Multi-Active MUPs
By John McDonald
On 9 March, GIA met with representatives of the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) to continue to work towards resolving the issues relating to multi-active minor use permits (MUPs). In attendance at the meeting were Executive Director Registration Management, Dr. Rachel Chay and Director Minor Use, Mr. Peter McLeod with GIA National Biosecurity Manager, John McDonald and consultant Mr Peter Dal Santo.
As reported by GIA on 1 February back in 2020 the APVMA considered the viability of multi-active MUPs, in their current form, unlikely to be continued due to operational constraints posed as these MUPs grow in size. For example PER81707 Insecticides has 19 different actives with GIA applying in 2020 to add further actives potentially making the MUP difficult to maintain in the future.
The recent meeting between GIA and the APVMA was an opportunity to re-set the conversation, after the 2020 discussions, and seek out solutions that both parties can adopt to accommodate the various issues each has identified. John McDonald reported the meeting being very constructive and in good faith with Dr Chay committing to engage with GIA on a regular basis to work together on this and other issues that will be of intertest to both parties.
GIA has asked the APVMA to consider the very unique status of the nursery industry and the differences that exist compared to all other plant cropping systems, particularly the extensive range of plant species and cultivars that exceeds 30,000 under production. This huge crop diversity brings with it an equally large pest and disease risk with host/pest combinations requiring appropriately available pesticides for industry use.
The APVMA have offered to extend the valid period of the two multi-active MUPS PER81707 Insecticides and PER90148 Fungicides past their end dates of June 2021 if required, as both parties work towards a viable outcome going forward.
GIA has provided the APVMA with a proposed approach that offers accommodations for both parties and also addresses the major issues in a manner that provides very acceptable outcomes. The APVMA are currently assessing this proposal and will provide feedback to GIA in a matter of weeks to allow for the continued resolution process to run its course.
The Minor Use Permit program is managed by NY20001 National Biosecurity and Sustainable Plant Production project. For further information contact the GIA National Biosecurity Manager John McDonald email: or call 07 3277 7900.