Go ahead and award yourself!
By Gabrielle Stannus
If you are looking to boost your profile at an individual, business, community or industry level, consider applying for one of the awards in our list below. There is something for everyone, with categories including horticulture, business, women and youth, across national, state and regional levels.
Australian Small Business Champion Awards – Entries close 21 May 2021
Supporting and recognising small business in the retail, services and manufacturing industries across Australia through categories including Agricultural Services (Farmers, packaging of primary products, support services, farming equipment.) and Home and Garden Improvement (Garden centres, gardeners, garden design, landscapers, furniture shops, furniture design, home interior designer, builders/renovator.)
2021 Tasmanian Training Awards – Applications close 28 May 2021
Celebrating Tasmania’s finest apprentices, trainees, vocational students, teachers and trainers as well as training providers and employers.
2021 Victorian Training Awards – Nominations close 4 June 2021
Celebrate apprentices, trainees, employers, trainers and organisations in the TAFE and training sector by submitting a nomination for the Victorian Training Awards. Give someone a pat on the back, recognise their achievements, and give them a chance to win $5,000 in prize money with a Victorian Training Award nomination.
2021 Australian Training awards – Nominations close 30 June 2021
If you know an apprentice who goes above and beyond in their work and training, now is the time to nominate them!
Nuffield Scholars – Applications close early August 2021
Scholarships valued at $30,000 to research a topic to add value to the Australian primary industry sector. Applications open mid-May for the 2022 program.
Horticulture industry
Nursery & Garden Industry - State Awards
Visit the State Association websites for more information.
National Awards for Excellence - Hort Connections
The National Awards for Excellence will be presented throughout Hort Connections 2021 and include the following categories:
- Syngenta Grower of the Year
- MOYA Marketer of the Year Award
- PMA A-NZ Tech Innovation Award
- Corteva Agriscience Young Grower of the Year Award
- Bayer Researcher of the Year
- VISY Industry Impact Award
- Boomaroo Nurseries Women in Horticulture
- E.E. Muir & Sons Community Stewardship
- Butler Market Gardens Environmental & Sustainability Award
- Hort Innovation Exporter of the Year Award
Celebrating small and medium businesses Australia wide. Nominations for the 2021 program will be opening soon.
Australian Small Business Champion Awards
Supporting and recognising small business in the retail, services and manufacturing industries across Australia through categories including Agricultural Services (Farmers, packaging of primary products, support services, farming equipment.) and Home and Garden Improvement (Garden centres, gardeners, garden design, landscapers, furniture shops, furniture design, home interior designer, builders/renovator.)
List of business awards in Australia
A comprehensive list of business awards in Australia
Regional Achievement & Community Awards
Conducted in NSW/ACT, Victoria and Western Australia to encourage, acknowledge and pay tribute to individuals, communities, businesses and groups who are making a significant contribution to regional and rural areas.
Conducted in Tasmania, SA and Queensland (and NT)
Australian Export & Investment Awards
Recognises and honours Australian exporters who have achieved sustainable growth through innovation and commitment.
Health & safety
Commitment to Workplace Health and Safety on a Farm (Victoria)
Acknowledges individuals or businesses who have made a significant difference and tangible improvements on their farm/s through their leadership and practice. This can include a specific safety initiative or a change in farm safety culture.
Grants of between $5,000 to $100,000 for a range of activities and expenses, including equipment, study, research, salaries, promotion and travel
Marketing & Media
The Horticulture Media Association Australia recognises top communicators in the horticultural industry for their articles, audio, books, images, magazines or social media contributions.
Showcases outstanding work by Australian web designers, developers, copywriters and social and search engine optimisation (SEO) specialists.
Prestigious international scholarships and short courses offering the next generation of global leaders an opportunity to undertake study, research and professional development in Australia.
Big Brother Movement (BBM) Trade & Horticulture Scholarships
Awards for 18- to 23-year-olds with a minimum of Certificate III in Horticulture. Successful applicants receive an $8,000 grant to pursue their scholarship goals overseas, which may include work experience, industry networking and training.
A Churchill Fellowship offers everyday Australian citizens a life-changing opportunity to travel overseas for four to eight weeks to explore a topic or issue that they are passionate about.
Scholarships valued at $30,000 to research a topic to add value to the Australian primary industry sector
If you know an apprentice who goes above and beyond in their work and training, nominate them for an Australian Training award.
Victorian Training Awards
Recognise and celebrate apprentices, trainees, employers, trainers and organisations in the TAFE and training sector.
Celebrating Tasmania’s finest apprentices, trainees, vocational students, teachers and trainers as well as training providers and employers.
NB. Check your State or Territory for training awards
AgriFutures Rural Women’s Awards
Open to all women involved in rural industries, rural and regional businesses and rural and regional communities. State/territory winners receive a $10,000 bursary for innovative ideas and projects, access to professional development opportunities and alumni networks. Applications for 2022 open in August and close in October.
Telstra Business Women’s Awards
A celebration of the most talented women in business across Australia. Nominations for the 2021 program will be opening soon.
Dawn Fleming Student Scholarships
Valued at $1,000, this scholarship was established to encourage a female student who demonstrates a passion for horticulture to further her studies in a horticultural discipline at an accredited college, university or registered training institution in Australia.
The Young Achiever Awards acknowledge, encourage and most importantly promote the positive achievements of all young people throughout Australia up to and including 29 years of age as of 31st December each year.
Australian Garden Council overview
A good if slightly dated summary of youth or associated awards, including opportunities for youth and young adults working in or studying horticulture.