GIA Member Benefits
By Sonya Gifford
Member Engagement & Partnership Manager Sonya Gifford discusses current GIA member benefits and what’s on the horizon for direct business members.
Since joining GIA, when I ask if someone is a member of their national industry association, the usual answer is no and in round about terms ‘What’s in it for me?’ (WIIFM) but when I start discussing member benefits no-one really knows what their national peak body association provides.
Greenlife Industry Australia provides not only advocacy on a national scale for the benefit of all businesses, member and non-member, we also provide national member benefits - cue the 'at a glance GIA Member Benefits Brochure'.
As you can see by opening the link, GIA have a number of business benefits to members and this brochure will be regularly updated to reflect new member benefits as they come on board (stay tuned - I hope to release the first in our next eNewsletter).
There are a number of changes coming and, over the next couple of months GIA will be changing up our user experience with a new website, Member-Only Communications, Career Development Tools, Hot Topic Webinars, Business Benefit Programs, Member Discounts and more to create that WIIFM factor.
When you are a member of your national association you are underpinning your business values and supporting the industry to thrive. This support enables GIA to drive the industry further by being the ‘go to’ on all national issues; working with state and affiliated association Members to further plant our feet firmly in the psyche of decision makers; and providing effective ways to strengthen your businesses, build relationships and keep on top of the latest news and information.
As always my door (and phone, in these trying times) is always open if you would like to discuss membership or member benefits, please give me a call on 0476 00 22 19.