Committee applications open: shape the future of the nursery industry
Greenlife Industry Australia (GIA) and Hort Innovation are recruiting for three new committees to assess and recommend where the sector should spend nursery levy funds.
You’re eligible to participate if you pay the nursery levy.
You can apply for more than one committee but you can’t serve on more than one.
This is your opportunity to help shape the future of the Nursery industry.
Committee appointments are for a minimum three (3) year term. Committee members are unpaid volunteers, but we’ll reimburse all out of pocket expenses in connection with the role (including all expenses you incur in attending meetings).
The three committees
The three committees cover:
- R&D Levy Investment Committee
- Marketing Levy Investment Committee
- GIA R&D Innovation Committee
To involve levy payers more directly in the investment decision making process, the nursery sector’s national peak body, GIA, will manage the nursery levy investment process.
Three expert panels, drawn from the nursery sector, will consider investment proposals. We will manage panel meetings; Hort Innovation will govern them; and an appropriately qualified professional who is independent of both organisations will chair them.
Both GIA and Hort Innovation will communicate decisions about which investment proposals are supported and how the projects that receive funding are progressing.
For the first time, state nursery associations will be involved in helping to generate investment ideas and communicate the outcomes of projects that receive investment funding.
About the committees
1. R&D Levy Investment Committee
Officially the ‘Nursery Research Development and Extension (RD&E) Strategic Investment Advisory Committee’, this committee will provide strategic investment advice to Hort Innovation about industry research, development and extension programs funded by industry R&D levies and matching dollars from the Australian Government. This group is guided by the strategic priorities set out in the Nursery Strategic Investment Plan 2022–26.
Please apply if you have skills and experience in some or all these areas:
- importation and interstate distribution of germplasm
- pest and disease management
- agrichemical and regulation
- biosecurity and crisis management systems
- extension and communications
- technology and production system adoption to address labour and skills shortages
- sustainability, climate resilience and waste management
- supply chain challenges (domestic or international)
- international innovation and emerging technologies.
Time commitment each year
- One full-day face-to-face meeting in Sydney (21 May 2024)
- One full-day face to face meeting in Brisbane
- One online half-day meeting.
2. Marketing Levy Investment Committee
Officially the Strategic Marketing Committee, this group provides strategic investment advice to Hort Innovation about industry demand creation programs funded from both the nursery marketing and R&D statutory levies. This group is guided by the strategic priorities set out in the Nursery Strategic Investment Plan 2022–26.
Pllase apply if you have skills and experience in some or all these areas:
- literacy and expertise in environmental, social and governance (or similar)
- demand management and marketing – intrastate, interstate or international
- export market engagement
- domestic market engagement
- experience with strategic market development
- experience with whole of industry matters
- leveraging, understanding and interpreting consumer/trade market data
- supply chain challenges.
Time commitment each year
- Two day face-to-face meeting in Sydney (28 + 29 May 2024)
- One full-day face-to-face meeting in Brisbane.
GIA R&D Innovation Committee
The RD&E Innovation Committee is a separate GIA committee that will oversee the industry research and development concepts and ideas process. This group will gather and prioritise R&D ideas from around the country for the RD&E Committee to consider.
Please apply if you have skills and experience in some or all these areas:
- importation and interstate distribution of germplasm
- pest and disease management
- agrichemical and regulation
- biosecurity and crisis management systems
- extension and communications
- technology and production system adoption to address labour and skills shortages
- sustainability, climate resilience and waste management
- supply chain challenges
- international innovation and emerging technologies.
Time commitment each year
- One full-day face-to-face meeting in Sydney
- Two online half-day meetings.
The process
A selection panel will assess and shortlist applications for interview, and recommend the final panel composition to Hort Innovation and the GIA Executive.
Expressions of interest applications close COB Friday 5 April, 2024.
More information
For more information, contact Alina Sedmak, Chief Operating Officer on 0404 073 734 or at