Your CEO is listening
By Joanna Cave, CEO GIA
It is surely true that one of the most sincere demonstrations of respect is to listen to what another person has to say.
Since I joined Greenlife Industry Australia (GIA) as its new CEO, meeting stakeholders and inviting them to share their thoughts has been my priority. COVID-19 permitting, I am trying to sit down with people in person whenever I can but where this is not feasible, we are getting together online. My aim is to develop an appreciation of the issues facing the Australian horticultural industry and to understand these from all perspectives so that we can consider together how best GIA can serve our community.
Happily, and with the easing of travel restrictions, more and more events are coming back and present further opportunities for me to meet more members of the GIA family. I am greatly looking forward to attending some of these events, including the renowned Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show in Melbourne (30 March – 3 April). Later in the year, I am planning to attend other flagship events such the Perth Garden Festival (5 – 8 May) and the Hort Connections conference in Brisbane (6-8 June). Keep an eye on the events page on the GIA website for notice of more key industry dates for your horticultural calendar.
If you are planning to be at any of these events, or even if you are not, please get in touch and say hello. I really do want to hear what is on your mind. I am deeply curious and genuinely interested. Please feel free to contact me at or 0468 368 961.
Jo Cave
CEO – Greenlife Industry Australia