President's Report August 2019
It has been a fantastic month with visits to the Qld Green Expo and the Trade Day in SA. Both events had an amazing array of plant displays and it really does parade the diversity of our Industry.
I’ve had many discussions with Members, especially while travelling and the key comments I’ve found were complimentary of how the Industry has matured and is moving into a new space. There were also amazing insights from the younger demographic which was inspiring and gave purpose to the process that the industry has undertaken in transitioning to a new industry structure.
Last month I referred to two key areas the Board have prioritised being the appointment of two additional Directors for Greenlife Industry Australia and the Associations first Strategic Plan Workshop.
I am pleased to advise that applications are open for two additional Directors to Greenlife Industry Australia. Interested applicants should review the Directors Information Kit. All applications will be considered by the Board Nomination Committee, who during this transition phase, is responsible for appointing the two positions.
Further, the strategic planning workshop is confirmed for 29 and 30 October in Melbourne. Invitations have been forwarded to key industry stakeholders. Additionally, places have been reserved for participants in the greenlife industry to join the planning session. If you are interested in contributing to the priorities of your new national association for 2020-2025, please complete the Expression of Interest form. Places are limited so I encourage you to do so quickly.
This month I participated in the Strategic Investment Advisory Panel meeting for the review of levy funded projects via Hort Innovation. While travelling I received feedback from members praising some of these programs, especially the Growing Green Leaders and Hort Masterclass with UTAS. Participants have taken these new skills back into their business to engage with their co-workers. As upcoming leaders, they are developing ideas to form a pathway for all our businesses to develop into the future.
Waste plastic, wastewater and waste media were also high on the agenda in my Member discussions. We all appear to recognise that our industry is facing some major challenges and need to address how we manage these areas in waste reduction. I will table these specific concerns of Members at the Strategic Planning workshop.
With this in mind, I again extend the opportunity for members to speak and/or meet with the Greenlife Industry Australia Directors. If you have specific priorities you would like included in the planning for Greenlife Industry Australia’s strategy, please get in touch. Contact the office toll free on 1800 252 468 and a time will be arranged for us to catch up.
Next week I am heading back to sunny Queensland and will be visiting NSW later in the month.
Look forward to catching up with you all as we kick off, what looks to be a prosperous Spring.